Ground of Care and Control
Artist Talk
by Natalia Fedorova
Natalia Fedorova, curator, artist and researcher, working in the field of science art and new media
Evgenii Savenko, artist, curator and moderator of noise scenes on various festival venues
Liliia Akivenson, sound researcher, lecturer of SRI of Noise and regular seminar "Sound in the Field"
Sound Performance
by Liliia Akivenson &
Evgenii Savenko
Anastasya Kizilova, researcher, artist, science-fiction writer, works in the field of environmental communication
by Anastasya Kizilova
Andrey Bundin, composer, media artist, PhD in Art History
Sound Performance
Conductor Andrey Bundin
Insects Orchestra: Underground
Boris Shershenkov, sound artist, PhD (candidate of technical sciences) and musical instrument designer
by Boris Shershenkov
Techno-soils. Vibrofabricat
Participants: Alla Mitrofanova, Julia Vergazova & Nikolay Ulyanov, Liliia Akivenson & Evgenii Savenko
The conference participants will follow the approaches of Maria Puig de la Bellacasa* to develop "speculative thinking" as a political imagination of the possible and will present artistic projects on human relationship with soil.
Participants: Aleksandr Kapitonov, Andrey Lazukin, Grigorii Kirgizov, Maria Sviridova
Ground of Care and Control
In this conference scientists and engineers will try to look on care in the context of technologies which can be careful to nature and point humans to technosymbiotic possibilities.
Ground of Care and Control