Ippolit Markelov
Artist, PhD in Biological Sciences, founder of science art group 18 apples

Dmitry Morozov
Transdisciplinary artist and researcher

Sergey Kostyrko
PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, improvisational and noise music artist
Nadezhda Bey

VR-artist of the InterActive laboratory, graduate and teacher of the Master’s program Art & Science at ITMO University

Khristina Ots
Head of Art.ITMO.Residency, curator, researcher of post-internet art, nominee of Sergey Kuryokhin Award

Lina Kipriushina
Curator of educational projects, lecturer in the course Research Seminar

Alina Chereyskaya
Architect, expert in algorithmic design and digital production, partner at the architectural company SA lab
Ellina Gennadievna
Artist, programmer, curator, teacher. In her works creates interactions between organic and inorganic nature, virtual and real environments, system and entropy.
Lidia Gumeniuk
Specialist in information conceptualization and interdisciplinary communication, curator, philosopher
Katya Shishka
Plants and nature philosopher, writer, lecturer and blogger. Katia is a graduate of the Faculty of Geophilosophy of the European University in St. Petersburg and the author of the Telegram channel “Viriditas”.
Xenia Gorlanova
Artist who works with the interpretation of the phenomena of modern digital culture and the environment in the context of their social issues.
Yuna Woo
Artist, lecturer of the course "Hybrid Ecologies"
Gray Cake (Katya Prianik, Alexander Serechenko)
An art duo exploring the possibilities of new media by combining traditional artistic techniques with new technologies. Winners and laureates of Pixel Fest, Audi Born Digital, Re:store Digital Earth, EOFA International Residence.
Helena Nikonole
new media artist, independent curator and educator currently based between Berlin and Istanbul. Her field of interests embraces hybrid art, bio-semiotics and Artificial Intelligence. One part of her work is dedicated to utopian scenarios of post-human future while another is focused on dystopian present and critical approach to technology.
Roman Solodkov
Artist and teacher. Works with 3D graphics/animation, interactive digital media and phygital installation.