The Art & Science Center is now accepting applications for PhD studies in the specialization Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture. The program features a three-year curriculum and is delivered in Russian.

In 2023, the program offers 3 tuition-free and 10 tuition-based positions.
PhD studies
How to enroll
Pass the entrance examinations
You will need to pass two entrance examinations: in English language and in philosophy.
The philosophy exam is conducted remotely in the Russian language. You will receive two questions from a list of examination questions, as well as a question about your future thesis.
Learn more about the English language exam

Dates of exams will be available via
Research advisors
In 1999−2016, Alexander worked at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University (Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History), then at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, where he headed Bachelor’s training in philosophy. As a guest lecturer, Alexander worked at the European University at St. Petersburg (the Stasis Center for Practical Philosophy), at St. Petersburg New Cinema School, and at Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences.

Research interests:
Social philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophy of economics, critical theory of contemporary society, philosophy and cinema, Marxism and neo-Marxism, structuralism and poststructuralism, philosophical hermeneutics, the philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, philosophical analysis of the works of Nikolai Gogol, the aesthetics of cyberpunk, artistic creativity as a social phenomenon.
Alexander Pogrebnyak
Philosopher, PhD in Economics, associate professor
Polina focuses on the theory and anthropology of technology and culture. At ITMO, she curates the educational Master’s program Digital Humanities.

Among her research interests are anthropology and the history of technical knowledge. Local history of the internet, changes in governmental programs, attitude towards gadgets and online practices, digitization of cultural institutions, and information society in the USSR — all these topics revolve around one question: "How does the concept of technology manifest itself in a given place and time." Polina has researched these topics via various scientific and artistic methods.

As a PhD advisor, Polina is happy to work with people who are interested in insightful work with specific theories (e.g., the approaches of Gilbert Simondon, Annemarie Mol) and research. With Polina as your research advisor, you can also join existing scientific projects on the digitization of culture in the context of institutions (the range of issues associated with interface and design as theoretical problems).
Polina Kolozaridi
PhD in Social Science, researcher of the internet